Concussion & Head Trauma Prevention

Football Helmet Recall by the Xenith Corporation High school football season is about to get underway and one of the underlying concerns we all have is the risk of head trauma that students can suffer in practice and in games. In 2013 the Institute of Medicine (now, the National Academy of Medicine) analyzed a variety of studies on head trauma in a variety of high school sports. They estimated that high school football players suffered 11.2 concussions for every 10,000 games and practices. They also estimated that college football players suffered a rate of 6.3 concussions for every 10,000 games and practices. They admit these estimates may be conservative.

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ADA and Website Accessibility

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed by Congress in 1990. As you may know, the ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability. Although most people are aware of the ADA's impact in the employment setting, it also prohibits disability-based discrimination in state and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications.

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Heat Warning

Exertional heat stroke is one of the three leading causes of sudden death in sports. The period between 2005 - 2009 had more heat stroke deaths than any other five year period in the prior 35 years. There were 18 deaths from 2005 to 2009. From 2010 to 2014 (still being tracked) there are now an estimated 20 to 22 deaths.

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